2001 Conferences

2nd International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence,
Networking & Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2001)
August 20th-22nd, 2001
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan

Conference Chair

Narayan C Debnath, Winona State University, USA

Invited Talks

Component-Based Software Development WorkBench
Roger Y Lee
Central Michigan University, USA

Recent Developments in Mobile Communications and Computing
Ming T Liu
The Ohio State University, USA

A Computer Scientist’s View of Wireless and Mobile Communications
Stephan Olariu
Old Dominion University, USA

Mobile Intelligent Agents For Internet and Distributed Computing
Son T Vuong
The University of British Columbia, Canada

From Untimed Testing to Timed Testing
Hacene Fouchal
Universite de Reims, France

Program Co-chairs

Naohiro Ishii
Nagoya Institute of Technology

Tadanori Mizuno
Shizuoka University, Japan

Roger Y Lee
Central Michigan University, MI, USA

Number of Papers Presented: 142

1st ACIS Annual International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS 2001)
October 3rd – 5th, 2001
The Grosvenor Resort, Orlando, FL, USA

Conference Chairs:

Naohiro Ishii
Nagoya Institute of Technology

Hacene Fouchal
Universite de Reims

Invited Talks:

Stream Based Design of Communicating Components
Walter Dosch
University of Luebeck, Germany

Program Co-chairs:

Joachim Hammer
University of Florida, FL, USA

Roger Y Lee
Central Michigan University, MI, USA

Number of Papers Presented: 470