Springer SCI Instructions

Springer paper submission instructions

If your paper has been selected for publication in Springer’s Studies in Computational Science, and if you wish to accept this offer, your paper will be published in Springer (SCI) instead of the IEEE proceedings. Please complete the following by the given deadline. Register for the conference as soon as possible. After you register, put the following FOUR (3) ITEMS in a .zip file titled <four letter conference acronym>Springer-<your paper #>. For example, SERASpringer-44 and send it to acisinternational2020@gmail.com

1. Complete the consent to publish form. Choose the appropriate form below by clicking on the conference acronym below.  The corresponding author MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN THE CONSENT TO PUBLISH FORM.


2. Your formatted manuscript in PDF format – please double and triple check for formatting, spelling, grammar, etc. You need at least 10 references and the minimum of 12 pages length, limit is 25 pages. Format your paper based on the guidelines and templates posted below. If you are unsure, please print out the sample paper and compare it to your own paper for formatting details. It is your responsibility to format your paper correctly.

Formatting Guidelines     Sample Paper     LaTeX Template     Word Template

3. The source files(s) for your manuscript in Word or TeX format. 

Again, please double check whether your zip file contains the THREE (3) ITMES,  1. your formatted paper in PDF format, 2. the completed consent to publish form for each author, 3. your source files. Send your files to acisinternational2020@gmail.com